Saturday, November 20, 2004

umuulan kasi

it's quite a rainy saturday afternoon. i was supposed to go to robinson's metroeast to buy some anime vcds (namely knight hunters and serial experiments lain) from 2 rats when at mcdo, where alessa and i ate a late lunch/early dinner, it started to rain. and with the water flowing, so did my spirits dampen. besides, i don't want to go to the mall with my feet dirty from sloshing around on the streets in this rainy weather. so i decided to go straight home and just surf the net. i decided to study first - either acads or music, i decide later, coz' i haven't been able to do much in the morning. i just read john grisham's bleachers and i haven't finished it yet. novels are really bad for me. i would sacrifice studying for my acads and even music just to read a book. anyway, this one is quite a different fare from the usual grisham thrillers. there are no courtroom travails here and certainly no lawyer. it's about a football coach who was so famous he was the one who put that town into the map of the US and he is about to breathe his last and his influence on those boys he coached. so there were a lot of game flashbacks and of course, i couldn't relate much at all. it's so hard to imagine and i'm not really a fan of football. i've also tried reading some children's pocket books which also touched on football and the most i could understand were touchdowns and quarterbacks, and some tackles. this one however had much more: nose tackles, linebacker, punt - a whole new vocabulary. however, even if i couldn't understand it, i could still feel the energy as i read along. that's why i couldn't put it down. if alessa wasn't going home to sta. mesa, i could've stayed in our room all day and finish it before finally going down to take a bath.

so that's that. since there haven't been many updates here - haven't even posted the details of our checkout dive in batangas - i'm planning to post my two journal entries which is my assignment for my cw 10 class. our prof, sir butch guererro required us to keep a journal everyday even if the entries are only one paragraph long till the rest of the sem. and for our next meeting, he'll be checking it so i should have either 5 or 6 entries by that time. anyway, i've been dutiful, doing it since thursday, writing on the late hours of the night and well into the next day. anyway, just for an update i've posted them already. so just scroll down and you will find them.

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