Saturday, November 20, 2004

friday, nov. 19

11:55 pm, friday - nov. 19

a terrible thing just happened!

a while ago, i let out a whole slew of my most secret of secrets - one that even my roommate doesn't know about. she is also my orgmate and after our GA which ended at past 6, some of us stayed behind to just catch up and exchange stories. we were among the two who stayed behind. at first, everyone was having serious discussions with whoever they were talking with. then afterwards, their talk turned to "chismisan" or "pagpapa-isyu" already. this one orgmate of ours tries to link the others to other orgmates of ours. of course, they were all bluffs. then another mem came along and the linkages became true. i mean she said the truth when she was asked the question and it's totally fine for her because she can get away with it - she's known for everyone knowing who her present "trivial pursuit" is. i, however, am unlike that. however, when i was aked the question a second time, i felt like it was a time when one can't evade the questions and should answer them truthfully. i thought it was one of those inuman sessions that everyone bares their hearts out. and well, what do you know, right after i finished, everyone was ready to go home already coz' it was already nearing 10 pm. and only then did i realize that not everyone bared their hearts out. oh my gosh! what a terrible thing.

it was like only two of us gave out but mine was a real issue, new gossip for them... stupid me. when i was asked that question the first time, i said there was none because i only had one person on my mind and it didn't account for much. the second time i was asked, two other people came to mind and i got excited and i thought i should have my say too since the others did. so i eventually gave out some descriptions, even explaining that the other one just developed/realized recently while the other one is still in the developing stage. like the transition states in chemical reactions, it could turn into a full-fledged one or it may not.

i even gave out quite particular clues because everyone was trying to guess who those people were and it wouldn't matter if they didn't know but obviously, i didn't think that way that time. and with plenty of them, i'm sure they'll come up with a name. but anyhow, i gave out. goodness, and there were 4 people i mentioned that seemed surprising to them, and one person whom they focused upon. issue na talaga 'to!

oh, and good news. i've regained my sense of self or whatever you might call it (see previous post) after the GA and all those talks. but remember: don't be excited and stupid at the same time.


12:17 am

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