Tuesday, November 30, 2004

it's been quite a while

yup, it really has been since i last posted some stuff here. i haven't even been writing regularly in my journal for cw10 since last thursday.

lots of stuff have really happened. a while ago, i went to cello's in katipunan with some of my orgmates for some doughnuts. i just had my molar bands placed last saturday so i wasn't sure if i could eat, but surprisingly, i could bite into their doughnut because they were so soft. i ordered the cheese-topped one. it's so good. i gotta try the other toppings - m&m, oreo, strawberry, peanut butter. hopefully, when that time comes, i could bite with my teeth already and not just suck the whole thing into my throat, which i have been doing with everything that gets inside my mouth for the last 4 days.


i went home to dagupan last weekend. i borrowed some anime from mark and i also brought home the ones i've bought. i really spent quite a fortune on that one. 2 rats anime - the store in robinson's metroeast that i'm buying from - had a sale this november at Php35.00 per cd so i bought some. all in all, these are the titles that i brought home: trigun (series), serial experiments lain (series), weiss kreuz/knight hunters (series), hellsing (series), escaflowne (movie), perfect blue (movie), akira (movie), blood: the last vampire (movie) and the angel sanctuary (movie). a lot huh? consider that trigun and weiss kreuz have 26 episodes in all - so that amounts to 13 cds per series. the only ones we've been able to watch is trigun. astig! i loved it. now i understand it. i also liked their sound effects. he's like a gun-toting kenshin himura only with lots more goof and he almost has an un-hero-like aura to him. yep, people wouldn't even think he was the widely-renowned Vash the Stampede, the humanoid super typhoon. i really love this one. haha! too bad i wasn't able to watch hellsing. i've seen some parts of the first episode and i must say it's quite good. i like the animation. plus, iba ung dating. astig talaga. i watched it with my brothers and sister, though kevin likes to sleep whenever we're watching it. the ending was quite bitin. i didn't fully comprehend what vash really is. but it's an entirely different world for them. right now, i still can't get the opening theme and the theme during the break in the series.


this is from mars's post on friendster: 25 things to annoy people. enjoy!

1. Sing the Batman theme aloud inside public toilets while waiting for someone to finish.

2. When falling in line, face at the person behind you, then walk backwards when the line is moving.

3. Ask people what gender they are, and ask again to make sure.

4. Practice making fax and modem noises during coffee break.

5. Ask the taxi driver to turn the radio on, and the meter off.

6. Learn Morse code, and have conversations with friends in public
consisting entirely of "Beeeep Bip Bip Beeeep Bip..."

7. Speak only in a "robot" voice when talking to a superior or boss, always use "Yehes Mahaster".

8. Blow your nose as loud as you can when some one is eating.

9. Ask a fastfood crew for a ketchup packet then stomp on it, then ask for another one. Say please.

10. Name your dog "You."

11. Claim that you must always wear a bicycle helmet to work or class as part of your "astronaut training."

12. Erect an elaborate network of ropes in your backyard, and tell the neighbors you are a "spider-man."

13. Finish all your sentences with the words "according to my mom".

14. Disassemble your pen and "accidentally" flip the ink cartridge to someone's table.

15. Shout random numbers while someone is counting money.

16. Adjust the tint on your TV so that all the people are green, and insist to others that you "like it that way."

17. Perform tribal drums on someone's computer monitor while theyre using it. Make sure to make direct eye contact to the user while doing so.

18. Staple papers in the middle of the page.

19. Scream "he's gonna die later" inside movie theatres everytime the lead actor is onscreen".

20. Set alarms for random times.

21. Change the channel five minutes before the end of a movie.

22. Chew on pens that you've borrowed.

23. Stare at static or color bars on the TV and claim you can see a "magic picture."

24. Call a radio station then request for the national anthem.

25. Wear a clown outfit on weddings.


well, 'tis all for now. i gotta run.

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