Thursday, December 02, 2004

random musings on a rainy thursday evening

another class-less thursday for students and another bane to UP students' MTh classes. more so for me because i was supposed to have a class in my major today and two ge subjects and we've been missing lots of classes already we might not be able to tackle everything.

all around us, the super typhoon Yoyong is still making its presence felt. back in dagupan, everyone's fine. there were just winds but no rains. it's good because then, they won't have to evacuate yet. right now, there are bits of rain and some wind. however, bulacan and quezon province as well as catanduanes are very hard hit areas. i heard that some 1,000 people died already. this is the most disastrous disaster i've encountered yet during my "conscious" living years. i hope no more terrible damage will be done. i know not many can begin to imagine what those families who have lost homes or loved ones feel right now. i'm sure they know the term or the word for it but the wrods do not contain the emotion - be it horror or sorrow - for what is really happening. i read this idea in anita shreve's sea glass which i just finished some minutes earlier, after eating a footlong sandwich and mango juice for dinner which satisfied my stomach but left my braces a little hurting.

in the boarding haus all day
all four of us were only here in the room most of the day. mars and i haven't stepped a foot out of the house yet. it's either we do some school stuff, read novels, write, watch the news or lie down and sleep. i've also been soundtripping earlier in the day, going through my cds, and now, i want to hear something new so i'm quite craving for radioactive sago project's new album, urban gulaman which by the way, is available at sarabia optical at the shopping center for Php 250.00. i also found sound's first album, bossa manila, a fitting theme to the day's mood when it wasn't raining yet but it wants to already with the clouds dark above everyone and everybody's just inside the houses not doing much. so what am i gonna do tomorrow when there's no classes again? i'm gonna make a headstart on one of the two agatha chirstie novels i bought recently. it's gonna be a long weekend... seriously though, i think classes should have been held today. it was such a waste since there were no strong rains or winds during the earlier part of the day.

nu rock awards
i just remembered. the NU rock awards are suposed to be held tonight. i wonder what's happening right now, if there's anything that's happening at all.

couldn't sleep
i've actually tried daydreaming this morning. i wanted to sleep but i couldn't so i imagined my mr. right has come along approaching me after class one day. that would happen in the near future.

i borrowed two books from the library yesterday (yeba!). i actually found john grisham's pelican brief, the client and the chamber but i didn't borrow any one of those coz' even when you think you've read most of the novel already, you'll find you're not even halfway through but it's just so engaging you won't put it down and i don't need that kind of distraction right now. instead, i borrowed anne rice's the feast of all saints, her only novel that i found inspite of the long list that was displayed on the opac. while i was moving through the shelves, i stumbled upon the creative writing section and i borrowed a book from it. i didn't find my favorite of old, the one entitled "what if?". hopefully, it's just on loan and not yet lost forever. maybe because of the long weekend, i could borrow tolkien's the fellowship of the ring. i've been meaning to read it since last year but i haven't gotten around to finishing half of it yet.

realizations on writing
while i was trying to read the creative writing book i borrowed from the lib, i realized once again that for me to improve, i should just write and write like what i'm doing right now. it's the easiest way to go. and then i should open my mind and read a lot so that i'll have ideas from different areas or aspects of life. yeah, that's gotta be it. the books try to get you to come up with ideas for writing but if you know what you want to write, that's madly fine and you're better off.

i haven't had much chance for conversation today, not even with the four of us complete in the room almost the whole day.

it's in some conversations with the pople closest to me and who are actually critical thinkers that i actually learn some things about stuffs even about things 'bout myself. at the back of my mind i knew but only recently did i realize it for what it really iwas when alessa and i were talking and i said it out in the open. only then did i fully realize that i was actually like that. i don't have a lot of guy friends. the real guy friends i have i could count on only one hand. i do know a lot of guys who can carry a conversation with me, even in high school. there are times when we're together and there's a little bonding moment but after that day, i feel like nothing's changed between us and i should treat him like how i treated him before we bonded and that amounts to not simply noticing him. weird thing for me. i evny people who have close guy friends, even guy best friends but whenever i come close to having even a guy friend, i shy away and so the realtionship goes back to square one.

ness's debut
i quite envy ness. she held her debut celebration last sunday but her birthday is actually on monday. it was held at padi's point. from the party alone, you can tell that she has touched a lot of lives and so many people consider her close to their heart. most of her guests are our high school batchmates. i quite envy her because of the relationships she has forged. i wish i was also quite like her. and she's got a tight-knit, emotional family, the last adjective being voiced out by her mom herself in a letter which was read during the party. she just lost her dad and everyone's still grieving over that. her sisters even cried after their song and message for her.

the food could have been good enough if i could bit but i could only swallow. i did get to eat embotido, chicken, lechon and fruit salad. quite yummy, esp. the lechon and i loved the salad.

i could say that ness knows a lot of pretty good singers since during her 18 songs, almost everyone delivered remarkable performances. the first one who sang was carissa and she sang tattooed on my mind. and hwenever i'll hear that song, i know i'm going to remember that keyboardist from padi's because that's the first song that they played and right there and then you could see that he's really good, not to mention the fact that he was in red, good-looking and seemed like a really nice guy. anyway, i don't think i'll see him again so he'll just remain a memory.

i wanna watch carnivale tomorrow. i hope i could. gma has already announced that there'll be no classes tomorrow. but i can't go home again. it would be dangerous plus i have an early class on monday. well hopefully, we'll already have classes then.

i wanna look for the lyrics of light and shade by fra lippo lippi. i was listening to the song this morning and the lyrics were kinda interesting.

tomorrow, i'm hoping to get out of the house and go to a computer center. i'll post on my blog and ready my mail. i haven't replied to eduardo yet on friendster. and i ought to practice the keyboard or the guitar, then study some, read novels and not eat a lot. i wanna watch a movie. hehe.. tomorrow then Ü

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