Friday, November 06, 2009

Four thousand and counting...

I heard about this thing called the NaNoWriMo a few months back. Frustrated writer that I am, I told myself I'd participate this year.

And so i signed up about two weeks before November. I was dead set on a science fiction novel. I have explored the milieu for quite a bit already. I was quite excited by the connections I made between... Well, the novel takes place in metro manila ca 2050. this one is with a space age-y feel to it.

First day came, and I was armed with a scratch pad to write down the first words of my story (people were sharing the PC so I couldn't monopolize it). I was about 600 words shy of the first day goal. But then I had a feeling my story wasn't going anywhere, especially since I had no plot yet to begin with, something that's been bugging me since I started to have a general idea about it.

I didn't write anything during Day 2, trying to think of something to propel my story forward. For Day 3, I think I was able to come up with another idea - this during one of the numerous daydreaming I've been doing a lot of lately. And so from it was borne a story in the chicklitverse. Many of the details are wishful thinking, yes, but I thought I could go farther with that idea. It was also more feasible for me to do during my first try at writing a 50,000-word story since I didn't have time to do extensive research if I wanted to make my sci-fi story the least bit believable.

So there's the great switch: sci-fi to chicklit/romance within 3 days of NaNoWriMo start. And yesterday I started writing. I reached about 4,000 words, clearing the first two days' goal. Hopefully I won't lose steam. There's a lot of kind words and support around the nanowrimoverse and even here at DA. So I shall not fret, but remain fixed in my goal.

Onwards to 50,000 then!

This was originally posted at my DA account journal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

where can i see what you've written?