Tuesday, September 19, 2006

singing japanese

many things oughta be happening. i'm taking a break from the breakneck speed that i'm supposed to be doing things tonight. i have to finish the first compilation of our fs 135 report so that i could give it to macky for the final touches tomorrow. on top of that, i still have to start my report in fs 131 on descriptive sensory analysis. at least the calculation part is through. i've only my analysis to think about and put into words. of course, given the simple way i've told you what it's about, it's not really that easy trying to do this report with the various parameters involved (ANOVA on 9 different attributes of three product brands). up next, our report on the pretreatment of fruits and vegetables for fs 128 which was supposed to be due last wednesday, but which, due to the lack of time for it we choose to pass tomorrow. however, results still need to be analyzed. and i will only be able to get the parts done by each of my groupmates tomorrow morning. plus, we have classes tomorrow afternoon. and our group will be torn between doing the microbiological test for our special problem and doing the dehydration experiment. plus, i'm a respondent for dette's group's experiment at 12:30 pm tomorrow. also, i'm to evaluate longganisa again tomorrow. at least, there are a number of freebies for me. way to go.

anyhow, that's not what i wanted to write about. last sunday, i listened to the soundtrack of rurouni kenshin that i have. and i thought, why not sing along with the lyrics while i listen. so instead of doing more important stuff, there i was, blabbing incoherent japanese words along with the song. and i was having fun with it. the lyrics were not all wrong, mind you. i actually had saved some lyrics before and they're stored in my pc. and most of them even had translations. it was really fun. and it made me all the more want to learn how to speak japanese (nihongo). what struck me was the very different ways in which the japanese words were spoken. it's like no two songs were the same in manner of speaking (or word choice, if i may clear up the notion). in fact, one translator even noted that the writer uses a distinctly feminine/girlish speech, almost a "valley girl" type of Japanese. if there was formal, there's informal, but then, there're also other forms of speech. get what i'm saying.

and well, rurouni kenshin is quite action packed. so what i found out about the lyrics of the opening and ending themes did not quite match with what i thought it would be. all the translations i read were reminiscence of love. either the song talks about memories of a loved one, what that person does to you or the hurts caused by relations with that person. and i thought those japanese words on sobakasu were some be-strong-you-can-do-it type of message. had a good time last sunday. and of course, the words had to be pronounced every syllable. so that when you read a word that spells shitenai, you actually have to pronounce it this way: shi-te-na-i.

well, new discoveries. i miss watching kenshin. but most especially, i miss hearing the sounds that reminds me of him. good thing i have my pc. which is really very convenient for me. it's a good thing i got to convince my parents to buy me one.

so, after this long litany, i have to go back to what i was starting. wish me luck. ciao!

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