Saturday, December 18, 2004

tragic christmas

yesterday morning, i learned that kc de venecia, the younger of the two children of joe and gina de venecia perished in a fire that resulted from their christmas lights in their home in an exclusive village in makati. i couldn't believe she was dead as soon as i heard about it. she was still young - only 16 years old - and she was the least of all people you would expect who would turn up in the news in a tragic way. i also felt a bit of sympathy as joe de venecia is our district's congressman in pangasinan. this after fpj's death earlier this week with his fans and those other people he had touched coming in droves to the sto. domingo church to pay their last respects. now fpj is another. who would have thought that he would be in a coma then shortly afterwards succumb to death? i don't know the details but i'm sure most of us who know him only as a movie actor and one of our presidential candidates during the past election wouldn't have thought that he would die this soon. two significant deaths before a bleak christmas. and before these, the tragedy that befell the residents of quezon from incessant logging. these thoughts have been contemplated by many minds before you read this i'm sure. anyway, i'm just throwing in a thought or two. it's really a tragedy before christmas.

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