Saturday, December 18, 2004


i got a blue eyeshadow from my roommate alessa for our exchange gift ceremony in the boarding house. it included our landlady tita bel, our landlady's help ate fe and our landlady's daughter-in-law ate au as well as the four of us roommmates. an interesting thing for me since i haven't used one before, and besides, it's blue hehe. i was the one who picked ate au's name so i gave her a mug, one thing that seems to be in season for giving, after photo frames, mirrors and photo albums of christmases long past. besides, it's a safe one since she's a mother of three and i don't really know her do i know what to give to a mom.

i have one other gift to give, this time for our exchange gift ceremony in subol. i haven't thought of what to give yet since the party is still on the 23rd. however, i still don't have any ideas thinking about it now because i haven't really got a chance to get to know her. probably in the next few days, i'll come up with something.Ü

still on the subject of gifts, i got this idea from koosie because she said every other blog contains a christmas wishlist already, which i readily doubt coz' i didn't have one yet. so now i'm having one:

a list for christmas
1. my own digital camera - anybody willing to give me advice or discount?
2. a new cd-rom drive for our pc at home
3. do my assignment for chem
4. finish the lab report for chem
5. read the witching hour, interview with the vampire and agatha christie's curtain, poirot's last case
6. read the house on mango street, required for cw10
7. plenty of exercise - braces aren't very effective mind you. you could still eat although you can't do much of it right away after being adjusted but afterwards, it's still going to be swell. and now that there's lots of foodstuffs within my reach, i hate to think i'll go back to up next year heavier than when i left. i envy cara...
8. watch hellsing, serial experiments lain, laputa, fatal fury and weiss kreuz
9. watch a few good movies
10. keep up a daily blog entry - so that i'll have something to show as my journal when the new year wheels around. we're required to keep one for cw and i'm actually enjoying it but since my prof due to something hasn't been able to place mine outside of his office to which i've been coming back to for at least 3 days.
11. watch the nu rock awards on mtv on the 26th of december
12. play the guitar and piano, and learn some chops on my bro's new harmonica, the one i bought for him at jb
13. send in an entry on metroactive mag's trip for two to el nido, palawan contest
14. do some self-motivation stuff; reevalute myself; find happiness in simple things; cherish all that i have
15. oh yeah, i need to lose weight! i'm feeling fat for my height so exercise, exercise, exercise!
16. do some more bonding with classmates, friends and of course, my family
17. do some sketches - an artist on the way, yeah!
18. write
19. stop feeling like a moron every other day so that i could enjoy my two-week vacation

remember, i'm gonna pack all these stuff into the two weeks or so that i get before classes. haha! so this is all that i could think of for now. i've got lots of books here, lots of good music to accompany me during this nu107-less vacation, and my family that i miss and love. so happy gift-giving!

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