Saturday, December 25, 2004

christmas day

it's officially christmas day! we ate our noche buena some 30 minutes ago because my mom wanted to rest a bit earlier. i was still full from what i've eaten during afternoon snacks and dinner so i didn't eat much awhile ago. we had sisig (yum yum! this is the original one, not unlike those sold in cafeterias which no longer taste like sisig), hotdog, roll cake, puto and crema de fruta. this has been our most sparse noche buena meal. before we would have spaghetti, chicken or ham and other stuffs. today it's only like this. but we do have some macaroni salad stored in the refrigerator and tomorrow, or later this morning, mom will cook some pancit. there are also some gifts under the christmas tree but they have no names yet. santa clause will make a surprise appearance later to label our gifts, hehe.

there wasn't much noise as december 25 approached. during the previous years, there were a lot of firecrackers going off in the neighborhood. now, it seems only 1 or 2 households are setting off firecrackers and they're just few in number like around 5 since i realized that there was no noise in the neighborhood at this time.

lots of people have been texting christmas messages and greetings. the earliest one i received was at 2 am yesterday from ate issa. talk about beating the christmas rush in mobile service providers. i've already replied to each and everyone of them.

the three have already prepared christmas cards. it's been a tradition that for every significant occasion here in the house like birthdays of parents, fathers' and mothers' day and christmas day, the children just give them cards instead of gifts. it's been like that ever since. but i've run out of ideas for making cards. only karen seems to be enjoying the challenges brought about by her different visions of the card she's going to make. she's the most artistic one of us. anyway, we usually give them on christmas morning. but i don't have one yet. and if i do make one, it's just gonna be reminiscent of my christmas cards past so what am i going to do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Christmas has got to be my favorite time of year. I just love to read about what people are doing and thinking. I’m always looking for some great ideas on how to make this year more special than ever for my loved ones. I’ve enjoyed reading your posts and I hope you have a great Christmas!