Monday, November 01, 2004

so much for online quizzes...

halos online quizzes na laman lahat ng entries ko..wala namang kwenta.. well, i came upon two interesting ones from ria's blog. di ko pala cia kilala, just found her link on cara's blog. to those of you who don't know, she's the vocalist/keyboardist/flutist of hourglass.

so eto, banat na naman ng results:

What Kind of Geek are You?
Favourite Color
Your IQ is very high
You are a gamer geek
Your strength is you can understand and use slang
Your weakness is caffine
You think normal people are interesting
Normal people think that you are deranged
This quiz by owlsamantha - Taken 122250 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

haha! this doesn't seem like me.. not at all.

and then here's another one.. i find the result jologs but i think it holds true. hmmm...i should considering her would be a disgrace to myself.

You Are Avril Lavigne!
A bit hardcore on the outside...
But sweet and sensitive on the inside.
"It's a damn cold night
Trying to figure out this life"

Who's Your Inner Rock Chick? Take This Quiz :-)

Find the Love of Your Life
(and More Love Quizzes) at Your New Romance.

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