Thursday, June 24, 2010

the original "reading Dramione fics"

- okay, this I found just now. Apparently, it's stored somewhere, but the navigation of ScribeFire isn't so easy to use. For sure there wasn't anywhere here that says Draft is Auto-saved.

Before the intended topic, I'd like to say that I am liking blogger's new designs. Of course, they're all two-column-oriented. And previewing any of them on my blog shows them incorporating all of the stuff on my two current sidebars, so it wouldn't be such a hassle to switch to any of those. I might try it sometime, seeing as I'm kinda bored with my all-white Georgia typefaced theme, although I don't think I'm ready to give up the three-column orientation of my current. Anyhoo....

I was preoccupied with Dramione fics the whole of yesterday, resulting in me failing to go out and get a cedula (to finally claim my final and separation pay). I wasn't able to do anything else yesterday, except stay in front of the pc from around 9am to 7 in the evening. Not a very nice way to spend the day, especially since.... But after that, I promise, and I do promise it, to start budgeting my time.

For the uninitiated who might ask, Dramione (a term which I discovered two days ago) refers to a writers preference for a  relationship between the HP characters Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger (DMHG, so to speak - which could also be written as DM/HG or DMxHG). This is the world of fanfiction, so the writer has free reign over what s/he'd like to happen in her/his story. (This is why there are slash as in male/male pairings like DracoHarry, or RuHana, SenRu, MitRu in the anime Slam Dunk - I bet you'll know right away who are the components of the SD couples that I'm talking about *grin*) S/he could also put the characters in an alternate universe (AU) but still retain their old characters.

So why Dramione fics? I tried reading one of these a few years ago. It's really refreshing to read stories where what you know isn't the fact in the story that you're reading. Cleverly manipulating the plot so that although Draco retains his evil/villainous character at the beginning of the story, emotions, circumstances and I guess, the whole world conspire to bring about a common understanding between Draco and Hermione, two characters who have much hatred for each other, and result in a romantic relationship between the two. There are the initial word wars, sometimes physical fights, while prolonged encounters in each other bring out each other's humanity since it could be really tiring to be bickering all the day that you're with each other. Then tell-tale emotions creep up, sometimes acknowledged, but most of the time ignored for no logical explanation manifests itself in the minds of the characters. Then there could still be denial, logical thinking over why a certain relationship shouldn't happen, then if you're not reading a tragedy, possibly a happy ending where the two characters live happily ever after.

The first fic I read before was skillful in making me believe the events happening in the story. Unfortunately, I didn't follow it to its completion since it has long been left at some point midway of the story at the time that I was reading it. I don't think I've read others after it. Then a bit of watching at YouTube - from Shakira's videos for Gypsy, which featured Rafael Nadal, and La Tortura, to a vuvuzela-inspired (it's cool how this buzzing South African instrument has made waves, dividing the world into supporters and dissers) The Fellowship of the Ring video (watch it by searching for Gandalf goes to the World Cup) and then fan vids of first, Snape, and then SnapeHermione (if you're curious, watch the one where they used T.A.T.U.'s All The Things She Said - I think it's one of the nicer ones). I also did try looking into a few DracoHarry vids, but of course, they're all slideshows of manipulated pics/fan arts. And then I remembered that DracoHermione fic from before so I went to my old haunt and searched for ones that would satisfy me. I found Forbidden Fruit, one of the better multi-chapter fics by petitesorciere.

-- Here is where I branch out to my main topic (and the point at which I accidentally clicked on Clear Field). The rest of what I have to say can be read here. Thanks for bearing with me.

--- Can I just say, ScribeFire for Firefox is better than that for Chrome's because it has an Insert Symbol command, making it easier to input accented letters and other symbols one's writing might require. Of course, I can't tell if accented letters are present when the language you use for your blogging service is European, like Spanish or German. But still, more intuitiveness needed for ScribeFire (like the case awhile ago, where I thought I've lost my whole draft.

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