Saturday, January 08, 2005

wall climbing

alessa, jok and i went to power up at tandang sora this morning. a few hours of wall climbing for all of us. it was my first time to go there but already my second time climbing. my first time was at the up fair last year. power up had a booth there c/o up grip. anyway, i learned to belay and tried to climb up three walls. the first wall was the only one that i was able to finish. i don't have the strength to be able to push myself upwards to be able to gain a hold on the higher - whaddya call them? stones? - idunnowhattheyarecalled so i wasn't able to finish the others. anyway, next time i hope i could do three walls. but it was a good feeling. sweating out and doing something challenging. however, right now, my arms do feel stressed and my fingers ache. but there's still a lot i've got to learn. till the next climb!

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