Sunday, January 02, 2005

back to school once again

I’m down to my last few hours before I head back to manila. It’s back to school once again. I guess I’ll just be catching some sleep on the bus since I haven’t actually prepared for my leaving tomorrow at 1:30 am so I’m likely to spend a lot of time fixing my things. The two weeks have gone by so quickly they were just like a breeze. And yeah, we’ve already ushered in the new year. But it didn’t feel like much happened.

So farewell to the long, lazy days spent just lounging around watching tv, stuffing food into one’s mouth and playing basketball or badminton or table tennis in the afternoon. It’s a hiatus from the anime viewing sessions, late nights in front of the tv or computer, endless laughter with my siblings or Sunday church with my family going in a car that hardly fits us all.

Farewell to the abundance of food that has been gratefully showered on this home. If there’s one thing that I’m very happy about here, it’s the realization that there is hardly a day where I don’t get hungry. So true, especially during these two weeks of the traditional holidays, ones wherein we really do prepare for. It’s not so much but it’s enough for a family of six. And it really is a must because everyone here is such a voracious eater, if the term could very well convey what the Filipino word matakaw means.

Well, there’s not enough time for farewells that should have been written yesterday. Till tomorrow then. Adieux

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