Friday, December 31, 2004

the vastness debut

here's something i read on my friendster bulletin board, probably it's most abused feature, which was posted by r.a. i think he overheard it and the question went like this:

how do i face my problem if my problem is my face?

harhar! but that was just in my head. i didn't burst out into one big, uncontrollable laugh. gensomaden saiyuki, however, could make me do just that.


the new year is upon us. so HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! the bulletin board is being flooded with new year's greetings, as well as e-groups and probably later on, cellphone networks. a few more hours, roughly eight hours, and it's goodbye 2004 and hello 2005!

another year for everyone of us to take note of our past experiences and traverse another 365 days to make a difference and effect change and progress. slightly monumental but always possible. so everyone, make your mark. don't let it the year just slip by. if you had regrets the past years, try to spend each day for what it's worth.


a change of name. it's more descriptive for me. does the mood of this blog need to be dark? i certainly thought so when i first thought up "whirling into nothingness". i envisioned a black background but doesn't every other blogger have that nowadays? besides, i really like my blog's current color. then just awhile ago, i typed in "whirling into the vastness" as my blog's title. the width of the header didn't agree with it, especially because there was a space in between each of the letters. anyhow, i'm staying with trapped in the v a s t n e s s. the vastness being this fundamental organ of the homo sapien that is the brain, my languid existence, this habitually tiring society, this nondescript, all-encompassing world, the entire incomprehensible cosmos.

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