Saturday, December 04, 2004

after the storm

it's a very sunny saturday morning. i haven't done anything yet except (ha!) go to the bathroom. i haven't eaten yet. i just got up from bed and i wanted to write.

since alessa didn't go home for the weekend because she and her brother had a fight and they haven't made up yet, we decided to go out yesterday. we went to sm north. since it was still early for the movie we wanted to watch, we had lunch first at tokyo tokyo. i really liked the pork tonkatsu the first time i ate it with her at sm centerpoint. and since it was soft enough for my teeth to be able to bite them without much constraints, so that's what we ordered. i also love their red ice tea. then, well, we watched pa-siyam. since it was the only one that interested us from the movies that were showing there.

pa-siyam didn't strike me much as the horror type. sure, there was a ghost and mysterious happenings in the house but the lingering emotion i felt quite afterwards (since it didn't really last that long; as soon as i went to the bathroom for a much needed fix, the movie left my mind already. except for that time that i was actually peeing and my thoughts flew to the woman being abused and a tear escaped from my eye and then when i got out, that was it.) was pity. to sum it up, it was quite a waste of time. i wish we could have watched some other movie. at least it wasn't priced that high, unlike when feng shui was shown.

then we went to papemelroti to buy a replacement for my journal in cw10 since the original one has leaves that were the same with the recyclable paper material that papemelroti is using. i also found a new design of their 2005 planners that was colored blue. but i already bought one already. i wish i had that blue one for myself. i also found a "my sketchbook for everyday things." since it was quite cheap, i just bought it, without any idea of where i'm gonna use it. well, yesterday, i started on the first page already, doddling random things. by the way, i looked up papemelroti's website yesterday, quite curious about this little shop and all. the name was actually from a fusion of the names of the 5 children of the couple who started the business. well, right now, the kids are doing the business on their own and even branching out to a number of other enterprises.

after that, we did some groceries then we went home already. i was able to watch getbackers (yihee!) and slam dunk. however, the last two days that i've been watching, the series seems to have gone into the mundane stuff as fillers. yesterday was quite funny. the one awhile ago was outright um, stupid. i couldn't imagine a serious character as shido fighting it out neck and neck with ban mido, as in the thursday episode, and well, yesterday was his episode and i did not like it at all.

i did a bit of netsurfing afterwards, deleting a lot of the mail i got from my groups and i ordered a beerkada shirt from mr l.

then i watched the korean movie my little bride - on silent mode, mind you - on ate jonnah's computer. it was a really cute movie. cute characters, cute events though i didn't really like the ending. a 15-year-old high school girl is forced to marry a childhood friend who's now graduating from college to fulfill her grandfather's wishes. of course, both of them didn't approve of the arrangement but they couldn't do anything. so right after the wedding, they moved into the same house but they didn't have sex yet. at least, until after she's graduated from college, according to the girls' mom. the guy was just so cute and so kind. he's a playboy type but with his wife, he's really adorable the way he looked after her. it was just romantic and they really looked good together. hehe.. cheesiness going over me.. but i did enjoy it. i even played the two cds again, the second one before the first.

oh well, today, i'm planning to go the up ame event at bahay ng alumni. i still haven't found anyone who will go with me. anyhow, i'm going because it's going to be the first anime event that i'll be attending and there'll be a cosplay and that's where mr. l will be to sell his beerkada shirts.

so well, that's all for this morning. ciao!

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