Friday, November 05, 2004

done with the reg

i was finished with my registration early this morning, after going to bed early last night (around 9pm) in a horizontal fashion that transversed alessa's bed (i only had my head on my own bed and the rest of my body on my roommate's) not bothering to fix my bed after a very long and quite stressful day.

clambering upon the dagupan bus' cold interior back in dagupan, i spent an hour waiting for another of their company's to pass by as the bus we were riding in took a sharp blow to the front tire and had to be brought to some repair shop. we were in the middle of the north luzon expressway by then having just got out of pampanga and the sun was just rising up. eventually, the sun had fully risen and those passengers left standing by the road were given their early morning sunshine and heat. so i arrived in UP a little before 9am.

and then i went to get my classcards. i got a 1.0 in my geog1 class and i don't think it's one of those cases wherein the teachers are just so lazy or they don't think about what grades they give but i think i really deserved that grade.

this weekend, i and alessa will be off to anilao, batangas for our 4 check-out dives that are required for us to be certified divers. it's our first time to dive outside of the pool. yesterday, we had a review session, still in dive republic with giovanni, one of our classmates in PE, and an older guy - one of their students. i'm quite excited already. however, i think i need to get another pair of swimsuit, since i only own one and we'll be doing two dives a day.

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