Tuesday, September 15, 2009

fangirl mode

image from http://popculturenerd.wordpress.com

I didn't know that Colin Firth played Mr. Darcy till tonight, while I was looking thru Ayn's site, and found her The Top 7 Fabulous Fictional Fellows list. He's my perfect image of Mr. Darcy ever since I first read Pride and Prejudice. I first saw him in Bridget Jones's Diary, and even though he was sort of dorky in one scene and not immediately likeable (like Darcy's character), he imbued this manliness (when he fought with Hugh Grant) which could make any girl (who loves that her man defends her honor) fall in love (hmm, there should be a better word besides manliness). You can also feel the strength behind his silent demeanor. Thus, the connection to Mr. Darcy of Pemberley.

Anyway, Colin Firth starred in a six-episode TV adaptation in 1995 and I have got to see that. There's nothing like seeing the man you've envisioned in the book acting out in real life what you've read about him doing. Hope I can find the videos in torrent...

Fitzwilliam Darcy is #1 in that list. Legolas Greenleaf takes 7th place. I'll just quote Ayn because I can't think of a good way to rephrase what she said:

7. Legolas "Greenleaf" Thranduilion (Orlando Bloom, The Lord of the Rings) - gorgeous, brave, immortal and a prince. What more could you ask? Of course, you have to get past the fact that he's prettier than you first.

I just love that. One of my favorite scenes was in The Two Towers when he nonchalantly disarmed the minions of what's-this-guy's-name who were threatening to stop? attack? Gandalf when he was approaching Theoden. A lot of work pulled so effortlessly. Uh-huh. I like men like that.

image from http://netanya.wordpress.com

Oh, and he looks totally yummy when he became captain of The Flying Dutchman. This is the best one from the At Worlds' End installment that I could find. I liked him better when he had the violet bandana on near the end of the movie.
Will Turner

Anyhow, I originally set out to write about one of my earlier movie crushes, those of the smart, long-haired, devil-may-care variety. I'm talking about Vincent Kartheiser who played Ozzie in 1997's Masterminds. It's not very popular although Patrick Stewart plays the villain here; he bagged the title role after showing some chops in his previous outing with Thora Birch (this from imdb). Well, I've watched it a few times on cable, and he's smart, long-haired and cool, trumps the bad guy in the end while pulling through for his family and for humanity. And did I say he's very cute? The other movie I've seen of him is Heaven-sent where he was younger. I haven't seen him since his teenage years. I don't watch Angel, and I haven't watched Mad Men yet, so I'm not sure if he's a great actor. I'd just like to preserve the way he looked in Masterminds. I'm sorry, but yeah, I'm a bit partial to baby faces. I couldn't find many pictures of the guy from his teenage days. So these few are the ones I've found. And no, no Angel-era pics here, sorry.

Vincent 'Vinnie' Kartheiser

I think the first image's from the Masterminds movie. His clothing seems to indicate it.

Well, I guess that's all for today. But you should check out http://bit.ly/IGVth for some more awesome guys. I don't know all the guys mentioned but Colin Firth, Hugh Laurie, James McAvoy and Brad Pitt are <3.

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