Sunday, July 25, 2010

Wordle for July

It's Wordle time.

There's no doubt that my last very wordy posts were related to Germany and the World Cup (and I'll no longer expound on it here, just read 'em! they're just below this post teehee). And well, there's the word time, but I doubt if it had anything remotely related to time as that abstract idea.

It's good to know that my friend Mars is still using this tool every once in a while. She saw it in my blog one time, and she kinda uses it in a more telling way since she writes quite regularly. Thus, the wordle functions like a visual overview of her state of mind for a certain period of time.

Now, thinking about it, this is quite related to the concept of radiant thinking and mind mapping. Although the wordle is not so much a map as just a collage of words most often used in a person's body of work, still, it is quite indicative of that person's thoughts. Of course, it wouldn't be as effective as when one uses the rules for mind mapping to know what the effect or impression of each word is on the person applying or creating the mind map. The mind map, when done correctly, creates and shows associations between the key words and subordinate ideas, and if the mind map is well executed, an image of the mindmap overview would also give you at first glance the focus or the general idea of what the mind map is about. For example, the words on a mind map about one's notes on a lecture on the heart may create an image of the heart.

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