Monday, May 23, 2005

dizzy boy easy, you're obvious

i just needed to write. couldn't muster enough will to turn off the tv, get off the bed and start studying, for in 7 hours is the finals for math 53.

pedicab's first single has been playing in my mind for quite awhile already. i've seen the video twice. nothing really remarkable about it. just the ultra big shades the band was wearing which tey also wore on a gig, the ripe tomatoes of 99.5 RT, based on photos from the net. anyway, the recent viewing of the video has left me wanting for it more and more. i love the whole sound. it incites a certain vibe. like i'm hyperactive and free-spirited and carefree, but mysterious and wanting at the same time. does this make any sense? i love the way diego mapa voiced out (he wasn't really much singing; just voicing out the words with certain notes which could pretty much be called singing) the lines i love you / i love you forever / let's kill the dj together . yeah, those are the lines i love the most. at that point in the song, that's when i really like diego the most. he's so charming in those lines even though his eyes are hidden behind huge glasses. plus, the precocious person that he is - when he's not playing the guitar, he's singing and dancing away on the stage doing various moves with the mic - that all the more adds to his mysterious personality. i can't help but dream of him. he's not even quite recognizable at the ripe tomatoes gig because his hair has been cut very short and much of his face (like more than half of the top part) is invisible to me. so with the song playing and his image zooming in and out of my mind, i'm dreaming of him. and i had this strong urge to buy tugish takish, their album. just to know their whole sound. it also got me wondering how monsterbot sounds. but anyway, 'tis all. diego's taken. but i wanna live in the fantasy, for now, that we're in love and we're killing the dj. not much of the lyrics really make sense (to me, that is) but it's the sound plus the whole aura that counts.

1 comment:

fuNky*souL said...

wow! i knew the name joey dizon is one famous person and it's embedded somewhere in the deeper recesses of my memory who you are. not until i clicked on your name and read your profile did i realize who you are and...i'm still overwhelmed (after my second time to read your comment). :)

thank you for the compliment. and, ehem, you reading that certain post is really quite embarassing. now, maybe that's how you ended up here in the first place. ah well, it's been done.

you take care, too. and regards to jason, and the rest of pedicab!